St. Peter Church is committed to encouraging the fully conscious and active participation of the
faithful in the liturgy through music. Music ‘adds delight to prayer, fosters unity of minds, [and]
confers greater solemnity upon the sacred rites’ (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 112). When we lift
up our hearts to God in song, we not only offer God praise and thanksgiving, but also lead one
another to a more intimate relationship with the Divine Presence.
Our weekend Masses offer a variety of musical ways in which to experience the grace and
beauty of our loving God.
Saturday 5:00 pm – Sung Mass with hymns led by one of our cantors
Sunday 7:30 am – Sung Mass with hymns led by one of our cantors
Sunday 9:00 am – Family Mass with hymns led by one of our cantors
Sunday 10:30 am – High Mass with Parish Choir
Sunday 12:00 pm – Sung Mass with hymns led by one of our cantor
Sunday 5:00pm – Spanish Mass with Choir
I invite you to explore this website and discover more about our exciting music ministry at St.
Peter Church. If you are interested in learning more about our growing music program, you are
most welcome to contact me directly at [email protected].
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Glen Segger
Director of Music Ministries