The Men's Society at St. Peter Church is sponsoring a Night of Reflection with Vespers featuring Msgr. Robert Weiss on Tuesday, February 18, at 7:30pm. The title of Msgr. Weiss' talk will be "Hope Does Not Disappoint," a fitting topic for this Jubilee Year. St. Peter has been designated a pilgrimage site in the Diocese of Bridgeport this Jubilee Year. Consider making a pilgrimage to St. Peter, and enjoy this wonderful message of hope from Msg. Weiss!
La Sociedad de Hombres de San Pedro desea darle la bienvenida a una hora de café en el salón parroquial, el domingo 16 de febrero de 2025, después de las misas de 7:30 a. m. y 9:00 a. m. No hay ningún cargo por asistir. Simplemente venga y conozca a viejos y nuevos amigos después de la misa del domingo por la mañana.
The St. Peter’s Men’s Society would like to welcome you to a Coffee Hour in the Parish’s Hall, on Sunday February 16, 2025 after the 7:30AM, and 9:00AM masses. There is no charge to attend, Just come down and meet new and old friends after Sunday morning mass.