Espero que donde te encuentres viendo este corto video, estes gozando de las gracias que solo nuestro Señor nos puede regalar, EL UNICO Soy el Diacono Edward Carrillo, Coordinador Regional del Ministerio Hispano en Danbury. ¿ Lograste registrar a tu hijo(a) en las clases de Formación Religiosa?
Si aún no has podido encontrar espacio y por lo mismo no has podido registrar a tu hijo(a) en la Formación Religiosa en la Parroquia en la que te encuentras registrado. ¡PRESTA MUCHA ATENCIÓN A ESTE MENSAJE! La Diócesis de Bridgeport bajo la Oficina de la CoordinaciónRegional del Ministerio Hispanode Danbury. Se encuentran en estos momentos trabajando en la creación del “Instituto Regional de Formación Católica”. El cual se encargaría de la Formación Religiosa de sus hijos ciclo 2024-2025. En estos momentos les pedimos que, si aún no se han registrado en algún Programa Religioso, favor de contactar la Oficina de su Parroquia para anotar a su hijo(a) en la lista de pre-registración.
I hope that wherever you are watching this short video, you are enjoying the graces that, THE ONE, our Lord Jesus Christ can give us. I am Deacon Edward Carrillo, Regional Coordinator for Hispanic Ministry in Danbury. Have you been able to register your child in Religious Formation classes? If you have not yet been able to find space and therefore have not been able to register your child in Religious Formation in the Parish in which you are registered., PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THIS MESSAGE!!! The Diocese of Bridgeport under the Danbury Office of Regional Coordination of Hispanic Ministry. They are currently working on the creation of the "Regional Institute of Catholic Formation".. Who would be in charge of the Religious Formation of their children for the 2024-2025 cycle. At this time, if you have not yet registered for a Religious Program, please contact your Parish Office to list your child on the pre-registration list.
To create an experience where the beauty, mystery, majesty, and love of God is progressively proclaimed. We strive to place Jesus, His message, His mission, His community, and His life at the center of all learning.
Keeping Christ in the center of family life of the families we serve is a constant challenge. As family schedules get busier and the world our children are growing up in gets more and more complicated, Christ and the Church just become part of the challenge to keep up.
Our program is designed to be interactive for the family. We strive to bring the family back into the faith formation process. Students are required to attend class and Mass each week and we encourage families to attend together. Attending Mass together is an opportunity for families to put Christ back into their lives together.
Our program consists of 6 one-year classes that must be completed in sequence.
First Holy Communion* – Two-year program for all students to prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist. A student must be at least 7 years old and in grade 2 as of September of the year of registration to begin this program. The following two classes must be completed before the sacraments are received:
Communion I
Communion II
Religious Education Classes – The following Three sections must be completed before a student can prepare for Confirmation. Students must have received the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and First Eucharist before beginning the following classes:
Pre-Confirmation A - Condensed instruction in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, review of the Mass and prayers.
Pre-Confirmation B - Further in-depth review of the Catechism and our faith and the world we live in. Exploration of discipleship and an individual’s place in the Church.
CONFIRMATION – In addition to weekly class instruction, students are required to attend Mass every Sunday and Holy days, attend the Rite of Commitment , Complete a Full day retreat, Participate in a saint interview, and write an essay of their experience in the program. Students who have completed the above requirements and classes are eligible to register for this sacramental class.
Students who leave after First Eucharist will have to complete Pre-Confirmation where they left off before entering the Confirmation class.
*NOTE: Placement is at the discretion of the Religious Education team and the DRE.
Crear una experiencia donde se proclame progresivamente la belleza, el misterio, la majestad y el amor de Dios. Nos esforzamos por colocar a Jesús, su mensaje, su misión, su comunidad y su vida en el centro de todo aprendizaje.
Mantener a Cristo en el centro de la vida familiar de las familias a las que servimos es un desafío constante. A medida que los horarios familiares se vuelven más ocupados y el mundo en el que crecen nuestros hijos se vuelve cada vez más complicado, Cristo y la Iglesia se convierten en parte del desafío de mantenerse al día.
Nuestro programa está diseñado para ser interactivo para la familia. Nos esforzamos por traer a la familia de vuelta al proceso de formación en la fe. Se requiere que los estudiantes asistan a clase y misa cada semana y alentamos a las familias a asistir juntas.
Primera Comunión* – Programa de dos años para que todos los estudiantes se preparen para los sacramentos de la Reconciliación y la Primera Eucaristía. Un estudiante debe tener al menos 7 años de edad y estar en el grado 2 a partir de septiembre del año de inscripción para comenzar este programa. Las siguientes dos clases deben completarse antes de recibir los sacramentos:
Comunión I
Comunión II